
actory Department: 0754-88220143 Address: Jinhui Industrial Building, No.6, Yiheng Road, Xigang Road, Jinping District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China Marketing Center: 0754-88106992 Address: Jinhui Industrial, 17th Floor, Friendship International Building, No. 86 Jinsha East Road, Jinping District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China

Customer Service Department Manager Lin: Landline: 0754-88106992 ext. 8034 QQ: 2880686701 Manager Huang: Landline: 0754-88106992 ext. 8033 QQ: 2880686704 E-commerce Department Manager Yang/Jessy: Landline: 0754-88106992 to 8055 QQ: 2880686727 Ministry of Foreign Trade Manager Zheng/Colin: Landline: 0754-88106992 to 8058 Mobile: 13902771252 QQ: 2880686706 Manager Chen/Helen: Landline: 0754-88106992 to 8051 Mobile: 13750442103 QQ: 2880686708 Email:

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